Lightning talks

Kester Muller (Not Forgotten Association)
Martin Perth (Systopia)
Björn Endres (Systopia)
Chris Morley (Bloodwise)
Alex Corr (Cambridge University)
Parvesh (Veda Consulting)

A Lightning Talk is a short presentation. Unlike other presentations, they only last a few minutes and we will deliver them in a single period by different speakers.

Do you have a feature you'd like to talk about? Something interesting and special you have done in your organisation with CiviCRM? Want to share a case study of a success, or something that didn't go as well as hoped? A rant about your latest pet issue perhaps? Then you are one of the speakers. We want to hear from you, we want to have you on stage. The rule is super simple: you talk about whatever CiviCRM related.

You don't have to have slides, if you do, you'll need to send them in advance as we will pre-load them on a laptop shared by all the speakers.

The following topics will be presented:

  • Google Summer of Code update by Parvesh
  • Google Summer of Code: Civi Campaign project by Björn Endres
  • Hacking CiviCRM to fit our workflow by Kester Muller
  • CiviSuits extension by Björn Endres
  • Donations receipt with CiviCRM by Fabian Schuttenberg
  • Chris Morley about how Bloodwise has integrated e-mail and phone with Civi Case
  • And Alex Corr showing how Cambridge University uses CiviCRM
Session Date and Time: 
Friday, October 9, 2015 -
13:30 to 15:00
Main Hall