2 Day User and Administrator training

Register for the Administrator training

Date: October 6th and 7th 2015
Venue: Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA, United Kingdom
Contact: civicon-london@civicrm.org
Cost: £450

A comprehensive two-day, practical training course covering the configuration, administration and everyday use of CiviCRM.

Register for CiviCon London 2015 to receive a £50 discount code for this training course

The course is aimed at:

  • Administrators at organisations who have decided to start using CiviCRM
  • Administrators at organisations who already use CiviCRM but want to get the most from their system/understand what is possible
  • Implementers and developers who want to start to work with/increase their understanding of CiviCRM from the end user and administrator perspective

Topic areas include:

  • Introduction to CiviCRM - what does it do and how it will help your organisation
  • Installation and configuration - making CiviCRM work for you
  • Custom fields - extending CiviCRM to meet your data requirements
  • CiviCRM modules - including events, mass mailings, members, financial contributions, case management, reporting and more
  • Website integration - how does CiviCRM work with Drupal, Joomla or Wordpress
  • How to access further support and the CiviCRM community

The course includes a series of practical exercises using specially configured installations of CiviCRM.  Participants should bring a laptop to the training so they can take part in the exercises.  If you are new to CiviCRM, we recommend that you give yourself a good understanding of the basics of CiviCRM by reading the  - free online book - in preparation for the training.

During the course we will share examples of previous projects, help with specific issues and talk about the challenges facing your organisation.
